seagull tiebar – fresh from the bench
Today I made a seagull tie bar out of sterling silver and added
some stones to it . I used 18 gauge sterling silver, 2 x 3mm serrated
bezel cups and 2 x 3mm black Onyx cabochons.

what else you need
jewelry saw and 1/0 saw blades
chasing tools or screw drivers, a hammer , a nylon hammer or rawhide hammer
steel wool or sandpaper if you do not have a flex shaft or dremel for polishing
a torch , flux, solder , pickle solution
patina ( liver of sulfur or black max )

draw your bird on the sheet – you can use a template or freehand
designs , add a bar to make the overall length 4 inches ( this tie bar
is going to be for a normal sized tie ) scale down if you want to make
one for a skinny tie. Start sawing your tie bar out , when you are done
sawing add some texture with the chasing tools

file all edges nice and round

Now you can start shaping your tiebar and create the “spring ” to
hold it in place. Take a pen or a steel rod and bend the bird part over
the bar part – the bird part being slightly longer than the backside.
Turn over and bend the bar upwards with your fingers . Take the nylon
hammer and hammer directly on the bend thus closing the tie bar – this
way you work harden the spring and make it tight so that it will not
slide of the tie.

If you want to you can now stop and finish your tie bar with the patina and polish or you can add your stones

Flux the back of your bezel cups and add a small amount of wire solder ( or sheet solder or paste solder )
Heat carefully with the torch until the solder flows . Quench in
water. Flux the whole of your tie bar to avoid too much oxidation and
fire scale ( I use paste solder ) put the bezel cups on the wing and
start heating again very carefully by drawing circles around the wing –
never stay to long in one place with the torch – the piece is small and
delicate and you might end up melting either the wing or the bezel cups .
Heat until the solder flows again then quench in water and throw in the
Pickle solution ( never quench in the Pickle solution itself – its
dangerous and stupid)
wile you wait for the pickle to do its work – eat


Take your piece out of the Pickle bath using copper tongues . Polish
either with your flexshaft , dremel or sandpaper. Add Patina and polish
again . The very last step is always to set the stones . Do some slight
polishing with a soft cloth to get rid of any finger prints and enjoy
your piece . Hope you liked it .